CCR and Ergonomic


2.04 Workstations in the Center Control Room (CCR)

             Center Control Room (CCR) is a room operating 24- hour, 7 day per week. This room is sleepless, never shut down in any condition event. This plant serves government building and commercial building and hotel. Hence, this building needs to have standby person of field operator, boiler driver, chargeman and team leader on every shift at minimum and must fulfill requirement of boiler driver certificate, steam engineer certificate. Chargeman must have atleast level A4 due to operating co- generation gas turbine that need qualification of synchronization, accordingly.

             All the activities in the plant is lead by team leader of every shift. However, the work in the plant coordinated by supervisor panel operator. Panel operator must be a very widely understand overall process plant and able to predict, analyze and decide the situation and condition of every equipment, based on the parameter appeared in the plant. He will coordinate steam driver for any steam related issues and field operator and chargeman to check and verify condition of the plant. He will also advise and consult team leaders, managers, specialists and customers for every issue raised.

             Since his duty is very strict and related to the parameter in the control system, supervisor panel operator is rarely do site visit and not allowed to leave the station without proper handover to the replacement staff. His presence in the CCR is mandatory and he must be alert to any changes to the plant.

 2.04.1 Panel operator workstation 

             As mentioned before, title of panel operator supervisor (SPO) required to control list of workstations instead of main plant workstation. Development of the plant require additional control in the system. Since the old system cannot cater the additional point, a new workstation has been setup to fulfill the new additional point of the installed equipment.

             Main plant installed with 4 workstations. These main plant workstations consist of one engineering workstation and three user workstations. They are covering original equipment that preinstall since year 1996 as stated in table below.




Chiller and accessories related


Boiler and accessories related


Heat, ventilating and air conditioning






Gas turbine generator


Heat recovery steam generator


Electrical monitoring

             SPO need to control workstation from Citect SCADA. This workstation operating equipment related to chiller as mentioned below





Brine Chiller and accessories related


Thermal ice storage


Header pipe booster pump


TNB digital power meter


              SPO also need to monitor workstation from Annex building (constructed and developed from 2012 to 2014) to locate new equipment that serve another part of the main precinct of Putrajaya.  This building consists of below equipment.





Chiller and accessories related


Boiler and accessories related


Heat, ventilating and air conditioning






Thermal energy tank


            The workstation located at the right wing of the CCR is additional of environment monitoring system, customer energy metering workstation, gas turbine generator workstation and two unit of Annex control system as per shown in the below photo.

2.05 Ergonomic issues in the organization

             Working in the CCR with separated workstation often created problem on ergonomic for the SPO. This section will address the issue on SPO ergonomic related to the distance of the workstation. They have treated this as their work norm and make themselves comfortable.

             Old chair also become major problem in the CCR. With their chair that is aged more than one year and carrying load for almost like every time, Most of the SPO started developing pain in their back for the stand up and sit-down activities. They are started to take medical leave, and this will lead to incompetence during work. 

2.06 Problem of multiple workstation with a quite distance in CCR

 Photo below shows location of the workstation and to show that how hard SPO roles and responsibility in this current condition.

            All the workstation console made for the sit position. No build in chair located at the workstations. So, chances for the chair to disappear is very high. The moveable chair provided for the SPO but as known, this station operated in 24-hour basis. The chair needs to be tough build and can bear the load for more than two years. The chair also needs to be replaced frequently, at least every two years.

            This separated workstation also created inefficient work for the SPO. They will be losing focus to the other system while concentrated to the other system. To monitor the other system, SPO need to rise and move their body to the other workstation.

 This action is created delay on the alarm verification or equipment monitoring and this is also creating ergonomic issues on frequent stand up or sit-down behavior since the all of the workstation created just for sit down position. Figure below shows the total distance of the workstations center.


            This problem in the first stage highlighted by the SPO and requested for improvement. This enhancement project, however, require a quite amount of budget.
